Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hard Times Chili

I am a big fan of Hard Times. I love the their j-poppers and range of hot sauces for chili and vege chili. I was poking around their site and found a few interesting tips and recipes. Here is one that is well worth sharing:

Fred's Chili Tips

The folks at the Hard Times know that for many people, the chili that they make at home for themselves is the best chili. Because chili is such an individual experience, it would be difficult to say there is any correct way to prepare it or to eat it. When you go out to eat it, we think our chili is the best.
Basic chili is a meat sauce that can be eaten alone. Or, you can have chili with spaghetti, beans, cheese, onions, sour cream, chopped tomatoes and chopped jalapeƱo peppers. At the Hard Times, we once had a customer who made his own 6-way chili dish by adding a raw egg on top of a 5-way. Of course, there are many individual ways to eat chili. For years, we had a guy who would come in with his own loaf of Wonder Bread and order a bowl of chili straight to make his own chili sandwiches.

Check the rest of them out here.

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